• Children with face mask back at school after covid-19 quarantine and lockdown

The challenges of keeping PreK-12 students well pre-date the Covid-19 pandemic.

In their article Reframing the Foundation for Student Success, Wilson and Marshall (2019) identify the reality that students coming of age in our current multicultural, differently competitive, technology-driven world need social and emotional competence more than ever before.

Resilience. Flexibility. Creativity. Attunement. Agency.

Reframing the Foundation for Student Success

“It’s no surprise then that independent schools are recognizing the need to shift the paradigm for preparing students for life after K–12 education. While academics remain at the core of what schools do, many have begun to recognize that students’ current and long-term mental, emotional, and physical well-being strongly contribute to their ultimate success in life.”

Debra Wilson, Miguel Marshall

Reframing the Foundation for Student Success, Independent School Magazine 2019

“It’s no surprise then that independent schools are recognizing the need to shift the paradigm for preparing students for life after K–12 education. While academics remain at the core of what schools do, many have begun to recognize that students’ current and long-term mental, emotional, and physical well-being strongly contribute to their ultimate success in life.”

Debra Wilson, Miguel Marshall

Reframing the Foundation for Student Success, Independent School Magazine 2019

The pandemic has also exposed the limitations of the just-power-through-it culture that impacts not only students but also all the adults who work in our schools. While Covid conditions have exacerbated the more-on-top-of-more approach to work, this is certainly not the first time that the grown-ups in schools are exhausted, desperate for that holiday break that is on the horizon.

What’s Missing At School: A Wellness Check for Grown-Ups outlines the unsustainability of this flat-out approach for personnel.

The experience of being included and and a sense of belonging are central to student health, and feeling needed and valued is integral to job satisfaction for employees. That means that creating and sustaining a cohesive, equitable and compassionate community should be priority one for school leaders.

For students it’s about belonging.

In Project Aristotle, Google’s sweeping effort to determine “what makes the best team” their complex algorithms landed on this simple conclusion. How people treat each other as human beings is the essential differentiator. 

This is the time to get wellness for your community right.

Re-Set can help you cultivate a wellness mindset that lives at the core of how you educate students and support teachers. This goes well beyond revamping the curriculum in your Health class. Culture change of this kind is values-driven work that requires collaboration, differentiation, open-mindedness, patience, imperfection and commitment. Those are values Re-Set strives to practice too.

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